
Hilltop Inclement Weather Policy
This time of year, the possibility of having our services cancelled due to inclement weather can occur. The safety of our church family is a priority to us, therefore if severe weather happens, we will make every attempt to notify our church family of any changes to the regular schedule in a timely manner. The decision to cancel a service or adjust the meeting time will be based on the current weather conditions and weather predictions made by the local weather reports.
On Sundays, the decision to cancel or delay the 10:00 AM service will be made by 7:00 AM. Because of our ability to our church community virtually, on most Sundays an adjusted service for prayer and the preaching of the Word of God will be available on YouTube and Facebook.
A notice will be posted on the church Facebook page, an email will be sent to those on our contact list, and a text message will go out to those in our text message system. Typically, our Monday through Friday weekday and evening activities will be canceled if Carroll County Public Schools are closed or dismiss early due to inclement weather.
For your safety, you are always encouraged to use your own judgment when attempting to travel during times of inclement weather. The plain and simple the rule is: if you don’t feel safe driving, don’t feel obligated to make the trip!